Day 21
Today we visit again with Travis and Wendy as they bring us Steampunk for Simpletons.
Steampunk For Simpletons is a guide for folks who
aren't sure what steampunk is all about, by Travis I. Sivart and Wendy L.
New folks discover steampunk each day, and often their
first question is, "What is steampunk?", and their second question
is, "What do you do?".
This book, Steampunk for Simpletons, starts with those
two questions and expands outward to cover a plethora of topics. From the
basics such as where to go and what to do, to the aesthetic of arts within
steampunk, we give a guided tour and primer in the world of steampunk.
Once upon a time, two radio co-hosts presented a very
tongue-in-cheek topic on an episode of the show Sounds of Steam. It was called
“Steampunk for Simpletons”. Then they decided, “Hey, why don’t we compile all
of this information, not to mention other resources, into a book, so folks can
access it easily?”
Of course, we know you aren’t a simpleton - not any
more than you are an “idiot” or a “dummy”. However, we love alliteration (it is
our second favorite thing in the world; first is cats), so please bear with us
and know we are not insulting you.
In all seriousness, we took the question we get asked
most (“What is steampunk?”), added a dash of examples we often use to
illustrate the concept, and sprinkled it liberally with community. We hope this
recipe is filling enough to sate your hunger for knowledge, but still leaves
room for dessert.
We do not claim to be “The One And Only True
Authorities on Steampunk”. Goodness, no! As you will see in this book, nothing
as eclectic as steampunk could have authorities. What we do claim to be,
however, is passionate about this aesthetic and the community that has sprung
up around it. This is fun, gosh darn it, and we want you to come in and have
fun with us! Of course, if this isn’t your sort of fun, feel free to wave and
meander along elsewhere. We can still share stories over a pint from time to
Thank you for being interested in this strange, dynamic
little world, and for reading this book. Please feel free to direct your
queries to us at
Steamy Dreams!
Travis & Wendy
BIO - Travis I. Sivart and Wendy
L. Callahan are both published steampunk authors, as well as having a weekly
radio show on the subject. Though they do not claim to be the ultimate or
complete authority in this beloved genre, they wrote this book hoping to help
new folks find their way into the hobby, or help others expand their knowledge
of the aesthetic. They also drew upon the knowledge, expertise, and wisdom of
many others from the steampunk community, making their book an inclusive and
cooperative work.
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