Monday, February 11, 2013

Celebration Station! Greg Chapman

Day 11

Steampunk Indian
By Greg Chapman

Steampunk art and literature is filled with images of white, European people in Victorian garb and when I was asked to create something, I thought what about an American Indian? The tribes adopted the weapons of the white man, so why not their antique technology? Immediately the image of a Chief came to mind adorned with a very unique headpiece. I chose to draw it on Vidalon paper with sanguine inks to give it that authentic old world feel - as if a traveling artist had come across this warrior and couldn't resist the urge to capture him on paper.

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Help low income kids get the smile they deserve! 


Greg Chapman is a horror author and artist from Central Queensland. His novellas Torment and The Noctuary were published by Damnation Books in 2011. His latest, Vaudeville, was published by Dark Prints Press in July 2012. His fourth novella, The Last Night of October will be released by Bad Moon Books on Halloween 2013. His fiction has appeared in Eclecticism, Trembles, Morpheus Tales, Bete Noire and Literary Mayhem. His comic book illustrations have appeared in Midnight Echo, Decay and Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. He also illustrated the graphic novel Witch-Hunts: A Graphic History of the Burning Times, written by Bram Stoker Award winners Rocky Wood and Lisa Morton, published by McFarland in May 2012. Find Greg on the web at

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